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Showing posts from August, 2021


WHY UNDERCOAT YOUR CAR? Car Under-body is made of iron and comes in contact with plenty of water in the rainy season. It is always advisable to prevent rusting before it starts. Rusting can be prevented if a layer of chemical substance is coated on the iron surface. This would prevent water and oxygen coming in contact with the iron and therefore prevent rusting. For prevention of rusting in car, 3M offers a coating that is called 3M Under shield  and 3M Body Schutz . These are rubberized coatings that cover the underbody of the car and isolate it from oxygen and water. This rubberized coating offers other important benefits like- > Sound deadening properties that gives you a quieter ride. > Prevents chipping of the metal surface. > Provides insulation, thereby helping to maintaining temperature inside the car.                                      Once rusting starts, it is very ...

Introduction to Automotive Paint Layers

  Introduction to Automotive Paint Layers LAYER 1: Primer -First stage of the automotive painting process. -For levelling the surface of the body & overcoming manufacturing defects if any.   LAYER 2: Base Coat -Second stage of the painting process. -This coat contains the colour, and is usually referred as paint. -Base coat used in automotive applications is commonly divided into three categories: SOLID, METALLIC, AND CERAMIC (PEARLESCENT) . Solid paints  have no sparkle effects except the colour . Metallic paints   reflect light for a much brighter shine than solid paints . -Mixing of metal(aluminium) flakes and paint. The metal particles pick up and reflect light, hence the shine. Pearlescent paints/Ceramic Paints are mixing of paint with ceramic crystals (also known as mica). - Along with reflecting the light MICA refracts the light too. This refraction gives a deep colour to the paint along with the shine. -It can be two stage in na...

How To Wash Your Car?

How To Wash Your Car? Automotive Paints are sensitive to scratching, especially during the washing.  When washing, it is important to use quality Shampoo, accessories and proper technique: ACCESSORIES AND SHAMPOO Ph Balanced Car Wash Shampoo Wash Mitt Microfiber Towel (3nos - Wet Wipe, Dry Wipe, Glass) Drying Towel (Optional)  Ph Balanced Car Wash Shampoo We recommends using a pH balanced 3M Auto Speciality Car Wash Shampoo solution to quickly loosened the dirt and grime without removing the wax protection. Wash Mitt We recommends using a Meguiar’s MicrofiberWash Mitt . It is designed to lift & trap grime away from the surface to help prevent scratching. Microfiber Towel For drying, We recommends using a microfiber drying specific towel like 3 M Auto Speciality Cloth or Meguiar’s Supreme Shine Microfiber Towels .   These towels are great all-purpose microfiber towels for a variety of uses such as drying water, removing compound, polish, wax, various interiors ...